Hypermodern International Congress 2175

Remember, it wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.


The only sure things in life - even for dope fiends

Credit goes to Big N***** Batman for his discovery of this devious twist in the Illinois tax laws--a twist that, apparently, is not unique to the Land of Lincoln. Of course, state treasuries could all be rolling in dough if they legalized, then taxed. C'est la vie, I suppose....

2 Ha ha's

Blogger Dr. Heinrich Odom said...

Two points -

> For any other club members who might be reading, I neglected to mention that the title of the post was also a link to the section of the tax code in question. Apologies.

> I refuse to write anything online that I wouldn't say to a n***** in the street. That said, I'm not sure how I would pronounce the letter 'n' followed by five asterisks were I to talk with this as-of-yet hypothetical n*****.

2:00 PM  
Blogger Luke O'Hara said...

As a citizen of the republic of Texas, I say 'if the g-men are so "high and migty" they can come and take my kaya taxes (much like my assault weapon) from my cold dead hand.

5:32 PM  

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